Visualizza Versione Completa : new member

18-02-2015, 18:52
good staff

I'm Rui and am 30 years old

I am from Portugal, and quite like electronic
like to learn a bit more with you

best regards

19-02-2015, 13:42
Hello Rui
Tell us what do you do in life.
Good sharing.

20-02-2015, 03:19
I am manufacturer of textile accessories, applications for textile, keychains, injection parts in zama, and laser for shooting all types of material, etc.

like really like cars and motorcycles, in my free time and do some preparation upgrads in mechanics, ha two years had a Galleto 2 (Chinese clone), but as yet broke, now wanted to buy a new and better tool, if I can help would be grateful

best regards