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Visualizzazione Ibrida

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2012
    Temevo questa risposta, ma quindi secondo te non riuscir? piu a leggere e scrivere via OBD quest'auto?
    qualcuno di voi ha mai provato il Vag K+can commander?
    dovrebbe avere la funzione di modifica dei contatori ma non so se, come il galletto, non li cambia se gia sono bloccati.

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2012
    La CMD vende un plugin apposito:

    Connect you
    r CMDFlash tool and select OBD TOOLS/VAG/Counters EDC16 XX
    Click “IDENTIFY”, read current values, click “CANCEL”.
    Click “READ” and save the current original ECU firmware in your archive.
    This file SHOULD NOT be modified, it is a temporary file only neces
    sary to reset the ECU in case
    of failure during writing operation.
    Click “WRITE” and select the file previously read.
    Turn off the dashboard.
    After this operation you can read and modify the car as usual.
    Once the modification is finished, you can sele
    ct the Counter protocol and click “IDENTIFY”.
    Counters will be read again. Type in the previously read original values or the one you most desire
    and press “OK”.
    Ultima modifica di leandro89; 04-02-2014 alle 17:30

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2013
    Palermo, sicilia
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da franco75 Visualizza Messaggio
    La CMD vende un plugin apposito:

    Connect you
    r CMDFlash tool and select OBD TOOLS/VAG/Counters EDC16 XX
    Click “IDENTIFY”, read current values, click “CANCEL”.
    Click “READ” and save the current original ECU firmware in your archive.
    This file SHOULD NOT be modified, it is a temporary file only neces
    sary to reset the ECU in case
    of failure during writing operation.
    Click “WRITE” and select the file previously read.
    Turn off the dashboard.
    After this operation you can read and modify the car as usual.
    Once the modification is finished, you can sele
    ct the Counter protocol and click “IDENTIFY”.
    Counters will be read again. Type in the previously read original values or the one you most desire
    and press “OK”.
    ho dovuto cancellare parte del messaggio perch? era una vera e propria vendita, sarebbe pi? opportuno che traduci e leggi prima di postare soluzioni.
    fai attenzione la prossima volta

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