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  1. #11
    Date Of Registration
    Sep 2012
    to me, You have misunderstood, Or I explained it wrong,I'm the least experienced of the forum, and I hate the precious and nn helps

  2. #12
    Date Of Registration
    Feb 2013
    To say the truth, I infastidisco when in the workshop is anyone that begins to explain what he read on different forums and I have to do to solve the problem,but unfortunately the true spirit of the forum and this:help us one to another.And let's not forget that all of us that we now have many years of experience behind their backs, we started from there:reading on different forums and passing the whole night in front of the computer.Ia my opinion, and that we need to be less selfish, and not to break the forum in two-professionals and non-professionals because at the end does not earn anyone.Also, sometimes, to feel the problems that you have met the other and of great help.

  3. #13
    Date Of Registration
    Dec 2012
    Citazione Originally Written by neo Visualizza Messaggio
    To say the truth, I infastidisco when in the workshop is anyone that begins to explain what he read on different forums and I have to do to solve the problem,but unfortunately the true spirit of the forum and this:help us one to another.And let's not forget that all of us that we now have many years of experience behind their backs, we started from there:reading on different forums and passing the whole night in front of the computer.Ia my opinion, and that we need to be less selfish, and not to break the forum in two-professionals and non-professionals because at the end does not earn anyone.Also, sometimes, to feel the problems that you have met the other and of great help.
    the first discourse intelligent then the real professionals do not fear the beginners there are a novice with electronics and soft various are real genes, as I know a lot of professionals who don't even know what a pc or a s.or. so, we leave the spirit for which it is created the forum at least this ? my thoughts.

  4. #14
    THE AVERAGE USER L'avatar di giarras
    Date Of Registration
    Jun 2012
    The resort
    ecuboost, I did not want to intervene in this discussion I have to do it, I feel in part because, as he says msport and a forum and electronics ? also, in part, decicato to the mechanics where everyone can participate and expose any problems or give advice, we contribute to all this? both users and experts that less,both professional and amateur, here, the purpose of the forum, for professionals of various fields, there are already? of the forum especially in the mechanics where you have access to all the databases and where you have all the professional answers, high ****lli, but they are all paid, and all aimed at those who like you ? a professional, I'm still writing, even if I don't exercise more? the profession, I still annual fees to these we say forum, and then that only of the corporate portals, think, from your proposal, since I do not have + a professional in the field should be excluded, and better still all those that are in the forum that I follow closely and that there are real professionals xch? professionals it means to exercise the profession as a main job, but in my see they are quite prepared, and some times even better than the say leave it at that?
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]There is a driving force stronger than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will[/COLOR].

    [COLOR="#FF0000"]personal Opinions, for educational purposes only.[/COLOR]

  5. #15
    Date Of Registration
    Sep 2012
    in That section, that I had said I Just could not be part of It, to demonstrate That the Purpose was as if I was doing the group that would group the most? experts,I will? badly expressed, anyway, topic closed,I thought it was an interesting Proposal

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