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  1. #71
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di munro
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    Citazione Originally Written by matteosr Visualizza Messaggio
    I don't want to curb the hopes of someone, but what you want to do is almost impossible, and those looking for a bit I can confirm.

    In the meantime, don't dwell on what is in the eeprom, but on what is in the flash; and in the eeprom there are data-only variables, in the flash there is the true operating system of the ecu, that would be the one to disassemble and interpret.

    You need to make clarifications, each type of ecu has a micro with a different architecture; in the case of edc16c39 there is a motorola with the arm architecture.

    Designers when they create an ecu, write the program to do and write it in a language of high ****llo (C++ or similar), then compile using the tools available from the same companies that create microcontrollers, making it become a binary file which is loaded, or directly to the memory of the microcontroller, or in an external memory.

    A binary file or hex can in no way and with no software to return the listing to the original source, but can only be disassemlato with the same tools used to compile it, getting a file in machine language or assembly, but of course without the name of a variable and various info.

    In essence, I can't read the contents of an ecu, I can disassemble it, but the assembly file that I get is almost useless as I just get pages and pages of source code written in a machine language without names, and notes, humanly speaking, impossible to interpret.

    If I want to actually create something, I need the original sources to the ecu, not written in machine language, but into a language of high ****llo more humanly interpretable.
    I agree with what was said tranky that is, once you manage to decompile all of the code is that it is in the micro or in the ram, in theory it would be possible to go back to the memory locations of the various routines and sub-routines that the same code is run in the "machine" of course, no one here said that is one thing that's easy to do it in two minutes but there is people who are doing it already currently is not only hacked the source code without "the key" read the listing but unable to implement strings of code from fareseguire as new instructions to the "machine" so what I say is if there are riuscit other people because you can not fail us..
    A rider does not create queues even in the car...
    a automoblista create queues even on a motorcycle...

  2. #72
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di munro
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    Citazione Originally Written by tranky Visualizza Messaggio
    Partially true what you say, but if programs, and I assume of you given that I speak to way, you know that a reverse with de compilation made with the native architecture returns the native code.
    Then if it is C++ in addition to the variables defined by the manufacturer, you can interpret the roule (rules/instructions) and logic changed.
    So it is impossible I can't say I've done worse.. but definitely a lot of work, and you have to have a good computing power to do the revert of the code.
    exact tranky reversando the machine code with assembly or C or C++ program to decompile the same, you gets the source a bit of a dog chasing its tail if we want to put it so..sure, then it's difficult to understand all the istruction set in various location with all the diagrams of the routines and sub-routines and there is the nice..
    let's say that with the ida-pro once you have identified the micro exact to feed him the decompilazioneè rather simple, the difficult is after to figure out the rest..
    A rider does not create queues even in the car...
    a automoblista create queues even on a motorcycle...

  3. #73
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di Backgroop
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    Hello Guys long time no that feels true?
    I could not do ammeno to read your very interesting conversation..
    I want to steer in the right way, then:
    All of the microcontrollers developed by freescale with motorola which

    MPC533: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC534: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC535: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC555: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC561: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC562: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC563: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC564: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC565: 32 Bit Microcontroller

    are programmed with a software development called codewarrior that includes an optimizing c compiler and c++ (of course needs external libraries, therefore, must be installed in the two compilers, borland)
    the optimizin compiler makes it easy to work as the asseble motorola 32bit complex is converted in to language multiparadigma simple.
    I used this software about 2 years ago and I can say that something you could do, but it takes a lot of study.
    most of the data contained in the controller are to manage the communication and I/O to the internal logic.
    it is necessary to know the memory addresses of the internal and how are they managed and then there occcorrera a user manual of the mpc5xx
    The patience and virtue of the strong..

  4. #74
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di Backgroop
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    of course, being processor 32-bit not you can use the software on the pc 64bit
    The patience and virtue of the strong..

  5. #75
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di munro
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    Citazione Originally Written by Backgroop Visualizza Messaggio
    Hello Guys long time no that feels true?
    I could not do ammeno to read your very interesting conversation..
    I want to steer in the right way, then:
    All of the microcontrollers developed by freescale with motorola which

    MPC533: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC534: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC535: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC555: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC561: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC562: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC563: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC564: 32-bit Microcontrollers
    MPC565: 32 Bit Microcontroller

    are programmed with a software development called codewarrior that includes an optimizing c compiler and c++ (of course needs external libraries, therefore, must be installed in the two compilers, borland)
    the optimizin compiler makes it easy to work as the asseble motorola 32bit complex is converted in to language multiparadigma simple.
    I used this software about 2 years ago and I can say that something you could do, but it takes a lot of study.
    most of the data contained in the controller are to manage the communication and I/O to the internal logic.
    it is necessary to know the memory addresses of the internal and how are they managed and then there occcorrera a user manual of the mpc5xx
    Hello Backgroup, the sw Ida pro that you are using does everything that you have written you are on a PC from 32 to 64bit without the need of libraries or user manual as it supports many micro-just select the one that interests reversare him "meal" the file is the sw returns to the diagrams with the locations containing routines and subroutines of the case both for the logic states for the istruction set, the problem is that as written by Matthew SR
    Everything is translated in the language of ****th e top is not having much familiarity with this decipher it all takes time and effort, also the version of Ida pro that we use is not official and is missing several plugins as an official version and all plug-ins of the sw is about 5000 euro... I would say that for us amateurs to ****llo amateur of this stuff is definitely too much

  6. #76
    THE AVERAGE USER L'avatar di cinqueturbo
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    Sorry munro, I have the Pro version v6 5-2015 seems to be complete but I do not know untangle very well with this sw, you have something more up to date?
    "The only thing that stands between you and your goal are the********* continue to tell you why you can not reach it."

  7. #77
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di munro
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    Citazione Originally Written by cinqueturbo Visualizza Messaggio
    Sorry munro, I have the Pro version v6 5-2015 seems to be complete but I do not know untangle very well with this sw, you have something more up to date?
    version 6.8
    I think there are a few differences maybe ****s debugger the most up-to-date and libraries more "spacious" and some other implementation of micro - /ram support..
    A rider does not create queues even in the car...
    a automoblista create queues even on a motorcycle...

  8. #78
    THE ACTIVE USER L'avatar di munro
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    I forgot to write that in order to use the full potential of this sw we would like a minimum of a bachelor's degree in computer science..
    so I think that here, we are all "the same boat"..
    A rider does not create queues even in the car...
    a automoblista create queues even on a motorcycle...

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